LENVIMA® for locally recurrent or metastatic, progressive, radioactive iodine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer

Adverse reactions observed in the SELECT trial

Most common serious ARs (≥2%) in the LENVIMA arm1

Most common serious adverse reactions (≥2%) in the LENVIMA arm of the SELECT trial Most common serious reactions (≥2%) in the LENVIMA arm of the SELECT trial mobile.

SELECT=Study of (E7080) LEnvatinib in Differentiated Cancer of the Thyroid; AR=adverse reaction.

Most common grade 3-4 ARs (≥5%)1

Most common grade 3-4 adverse reactions (≥5%) in the SELECT trial

No grade 4 diarrhea, hand-foot skin reaction, fatigue, or proteinuria.2

AR=adverse reaction

  1. aIncludes hypertension, hypertensive crisis, increased blood pressure diastolic, and increased blood pressure.
  2. bIncludes asthenia, fatigue, and malaise.
  3. cIncludes musculoskeletal pain, back pain, pain in extremity, arthralgia, and myalgia.
  4. dIncludes aphthous stomatitis, stomatitis, glossitis, mouth ulceration, and mucosal inflammation.

Adverse reactions occurring in patients with a between-group difference of ≥5% (all grades) or ≥2% (grade 3-4)1

Adverse reactions with between-group difference of ≥5% (all grades) or ≥2% (grade 3-4) in the SELECT trial Adverse reactions with between-group difference of ≥5% (all grades) or ≥2% (grade 3-4) in the SELECT trial mobile

No grade 4 diarrhea, hand-foot skin reaction, fatigue, or proteinuria.2

SELECT=Study of (E7080) LEnvatinib in Differentiated Cancer of the Thyroid.

  1. aIncludes hypertension, hypertensive crisis, increased blood pressure diastolic, and increased blood pressure.
  2. bIncludes aphthous stomatitis, stomatitis, glossitis, mouth ulceration, and mucosal inflammation.
  3. cIncludes abdominal discomfort, abdominal pain, lower abdominal pain, upper abdominal pain, abdominal tenderness, epigastric discomfort, and gastrointestinal pain.
  4. dIncludes oral pain, glossodynia, and oropharyngeal pain.
  5. eIncludes asthenia, fatigue, and malaise.
  6. fIncludes musculoskeletal pain, back pain, pain in extremity, arthralgia, and myalgia.
  7. gIncludes macular rash, maculo-papular rash, generalized rash, and rash.
  8. hIncludes gingivitis, oral infection, parotitis, pericoronitis, penodontitis, sialadenitis, tooth abscess, and tooth infection.

Post hoc analysis of time to first onset of select ARs3

Identify points in treatment when select ARs emerged with LENVIMA in the SELECT trial

Median weeks; AR (n=476)*

Post hoc analysis of time to first onset of select adverse reactions with LENVIMA when they emerged in the SELECT trial Post hoc analysis of time to first onset of select adverse reactions with LENVIMA when they emerged in the SELECT trial mobile
  • Monitor your patients for ARs throughout treatment with LENVIMA

Limitation: This is a post hoc exploratory analysis for descriptive purposes only; no conclusion can be drawn.

AR=adverse reaction.

*The bar represents the time to first onset of select ARs for the middle 50% of the patients who experienced that AR from quartile 1 to 3.